Happy News

Dear Readers,

How are you? There has been some tough times, in all manner of shape and sizes during this pandemic, and I hope you are doing well even during this times.

I would like to share a happy news, which is that I have received 3rd place for the 2021 New England Illustration Prize. The theme was ‘A Message in A Bottle’ and this is my version of that theme. It was a very interesting and uplifting experience for me and I very much would like to share it with you.

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It sure felt like being in a bottle during the height of lockdown. But luckily thanks to the internet, we were still able to connect even from inside a bottle. Here’s hoping that the sun will set for the time being in a bottle, and dawn will come when we could deliver our messages in person again.

Stay safe and all the best to you.

Kind regards,

Triandhika Anjani


Happy New Year 2022


Clouds and Stars