Introduction Post

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Triandhika Anjani, and i am an illustrator from Indonesia. This is my very first blog post on this website, and I am thrilled. On this blog, i am planning to share thoughts, ideas, and also random stuff relating to illustration or the art and design world in general. Although I like expressing my thoughts in writing, I cannot say that I am the best at writing it down. So if you enjoy this blog, please let me know, and I will be a very happy person indeed :D

As this is my first post, i thought to do some introduction about my art style, artists I like, and what influences me in my artwork. For starters, let me show you a sample of my artwork.

So as you might be able to see, my illustrations are created digitally. I work out my sketches and line art on my ipad, before moving on to my laptop to do the coloring. Sometimes I would do my line art traditionally on paper with pen, or I would create everything from scratch all with my laptop.

I consider line art an important part of my illustrations. It helps give a traditional and organic feel to the artwork, although it is made with digital media. Previously, there was a period where I limited myself to do the line art traditionally with pen on paper, before proceeding with digital color.


Example of an illustration with line art made with pen and color in digitally

But lately, I found that I was able to replicate the pen on paper feel with the right app on ipad, which made me able to switch to a full digital process.


Example of an illustration made digitally from sketch to finish

Nowadays, switching between drawing line art on paper or computer became easier, and I could decide what to use depending on the situation or mood.

Although the overall illustration may be dark, I love having a small source of light in the darkness to create a glowing effect. The contrast of light and dark creates a dramatic effect that I really like and also a sense of warmth. There won’t be this warm effect without the surrounding dark colors. This warm feeling is something I would like to project through my artwork.

When I was a child, I spent quite a lot of time reading (or rather, looking at) picture books. Books like Cat in the Hat, Mouse Soup, The Fire Cat, and many others would fill my day from day to night. One significant title that left a lasting impression for me was Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel. The short yet charming stories, the interaction of the characters, and earthy colors are things that I really like about this series. I can’t help but put on a smile whenever I come across one of this title at the book store.

When I spent my time at university studying art, I came to discover a whole lot more artists and arworks to admire. Some of those artists includes the masters like Monet or J.M.W. Turner, and more recent artists like Shaun Tan or Quentin Blake. There are quite a few artists I admire, so I might consider writing a separate post to write more about them individually. That might be interesting to do.

And this wraps my short introduction post for now. As I am a slow writer, I don’t think I am able to write regularly, but I do have some ideas on things to talk about here on the blog. Come visit again if you are interested, and thank you for stopping by and reading this post! Hopefully we could meet again on the next one. Goodbye!


Speed Paint : House on the Hill